Monday, 24 October 2011

Hi from Tokyo!

I arrived in Tokyo yesterday! It was a bit of a tiring journey, but I'm happy to be here~

I'm here for two weeks, so expect a blog post every few days. Mark needs lots of afternoon naps, so gives me time to write these :p

I finally  invested in some Diamand Lash falsies, and I'm so happy with them! Even though my eyes are so tiny I need to cut off about half of each one :p

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Room wear from Rakuten haul!

I ordered some room wear from Shirohato on Rakuten. It's an underwear shop with lots of choice and cheap prices, what more could you want :p

The shop is send you a confirmation email in English thanking you for your order and welcoming you as an International customer. Already impressed me much more than DreamV! I paid around 7.00am Japanese time and they shipped it that day. Notbad at all! I spent 4,000 yen on this whole order, and shipping was another 4,000 yen. Very reasonable I think for the amount of stuff!

Took the photos at night, so they do suck :p

Entire haul!